Step 1
Obtain an EU Login account, which you will use for all online applications, and an OID number (Organisation ID).
Step 2
Once you’ve completed Step 1, you can submit your application through the EU Participant Portal for Grant via KA1 (mobility deadline: December 23, 2023, at 12:00 CET) or Erasmus Accreditation (deadline: October 19, 2023, at 12:00 CET).
Step 3
- Inclusive Erasmus+, including the
- integration of refugees
- Green Erasmus+ (Climate and biodiversity mainstreaming)
- Digital Erasmus+
- Participation in democratic life, common values and civic engagement
Step 4
Download an application form from your National Agency’s website and prepare a proposal under Key Action 1 (KA1), Learning Mobility of Individuals. Utilize the Erasmus+ guide for 2023 to assist you in completing your submission.
Keep in mind that there is only one deadline each year, so it’s crucial not to miss it. You will also need our OID number, which is E10339609, when writing your Erasmus+ application.
Step 5
Don’t hesitate to reach out to us for assistance if you encounter any issues during the application process.
Step 6
Submit your application to your National Agency. All documents are submitted online, so you’ll need to scan the necessary documents.
Step 7
Stay hopeful and monitor your National Agency’s webpage for the announcement of results. Most eligible countries publish results in late spring or early summer (May, June).
Step 8
Once you receive positive feedback from your agency, please inform us so we can confirm your chosen dates.
Step 9
After you receive grant approval notice, you will need to sign a contract with your National Agency. It typically takes around two months from grant approval to the transfer of funds to your organization.